Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost Ready

So its 11 pm the night before I leave and I am finally able to slow down and feel somewhat ready to go. In the morning I will head to Dallas for a day before we leave for Asia. I am packed and physically ready to go. In my heart I feel way behind on the preparation. On Sunday we will land in one of the darkest parts of the world. With that in mind I feel totally unprepared. The last few weeks have been go go go, with little time to be still. My desire is that in the next 48 Hours I will have the time to prepare my heart for the battle that is before us. As we prepare to leave, please lift up the following things:
-Safe Travel
-Rest and Preparation for my partner and I
-The Changing of hearts

Please lift up my partner and I and all the other students serving this summer. I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible through this blog. There may be times when updates are rare due to the lack of internet in the places we will be going. Please continue to lift us up as we Go.